Zurn Stall Parts UPC & Barcode
- 670240605794
Zurn Z5341 Standard Arm Lavatory, Single Hole, 20x18
- 670240605800
Zurn Z5344 Standard Arm Lavatory, 4" Centers, 20x18
- 670240605824
Zurn Z5351 Economy Lavatory, Single Hole, 20x17
- 670240605831
Zurn Z5354 Economy Lavatory, 4" Centers, 19x17
- 670240605961
Zurn Z5114 Countertop Lavatory, 4" Centers, 20x17
- 670240605992
Zurn Z5124 Countertop Lavatory, 4" Centers, 19" Round
- 670240626034
Zurn Z5834 Cast Iron Wall Hung Lavatory, 4" Centers, 19x17
- 670240389588
Zurn Z5324-PED Wheelchair ADA Lavatory with Half Pedestal, 4" Centers, 23x20
- 670240389618
Zurn Z5344-PED Standard Arm Lavatory with Half Pedestal, 4" Centers, 20x18
- 670240605848
Zurn Z5358 Economy Lavatory, 8" Centers, 20x17
- 670240626058
Zurn Z5841 Cast Iron Wall Hung, Single Hole, 20x18
- 670240644595
Zurn Z5324 Wheelchair ADA Lavatory, 4" Centers, 23x20
- 670240605978
Zurn Z5118 Countertop Lavatory, 8" Centers, 20x17
- 670240605985
Zurn Z5121 Countertop Lavatory, Single Hole, 19" Round
- 670240606470
Zurn Z5844 Cast Iron Wall Hung, 4" Centers, 20x18