UPC 323900014268

UPC 323900014268 is associated with Vicks 44 Nyquil Cold and Flu Relief Liquid, Original Flavor, 12 Ounce

UPC 323900014268

UPC 323900014268 has following Product Name Variations:

  1. Vicks - NyQuil Cold & Flu Nighttime Relief Liquid 12.00 fl oz
  2. NyQuil Cold & Flu Nighttime Liquid
  3. Vicks Nyquil Cold & Flu Relief Liquid, Original Flavor, 12 fl oz
  4. Vicks NyQuil Cold & Flu Original Liquid, 12 Fl Oz
  5. Vicks NyQuil Nighttime Cold & Flu Relief Original Flavor 12 fl oz
  6. Vicks 12 fl oz NyQuil Nighttime Medicine
  7. Vicks NyQuil Cold & Flu Medicine Liquid - 12 fl oz
  8. Vicks NyQuil, Nighttime Cold & Flu Symptom Relief, Relives Aches, Fever, Sore Th
  9. Vicks NyQuil Original, Liquid, 12 oz
  10. NyQuil Nighttime Original Liquid Cold & Flu Relief 12 FL OZ PLASTIC BOTTLE
  11. Nyquil Cold and Flu Relief Liquid, Original Flavor, 12 Ounce
  12. Nyquil Original Nighttime Relief Cold And Flu | 12 Oz | Exp. 12/22
  13. Vicks NyQuil, Nighttime Cold & Flu Symptom Relief, 12 Fl, SEE DESCRIPTION
  14. Vicks Nyquil Cold Flu Nighttime Relief Liquid Original 12 oz by Vicks
  15. NyQuil Cold & Flu Nighttime Liquid, 12 oz Bottle
  16. Vicks NyQuil Cold & Flu Relief Liquid, Original Flavor, 12 Fl oz - 12 oz | CVS
  17. Vicks Nyquil Cold and Flu Medicine Original Flavor - 8.0 oz
  18. Vicks NyQuil Cold & Flu Nighttime Liquid , 12 oz Bottle (PGC01426EA)
  19. Vicks NyQuil Cold & Flu Nighttime Liquid 12 oz Bottle 01426EA
  20. Vicks NyQuil Cold & Flu Nighttime Liquid, 12 oz Bottle (PGC01426EA) | Quill
  22. Vicks 44 Nyquil Cold And Flu Relief Liquid, Original Flavor, 12 Ounce
  23. Vicks 44 Nyquil Cold and Flu Relief Liquid, Original Flavor, 12 Ounce
  24. Nyquil Cold And Flu Nighttime Liquid 12 Oz Bottle 12/carton - All
  25. Nyquil Cold & Flu Nighttime Liquid, 12 Oz Bottle, 12/carton
- more -

More Info

UPC-A:3 23900 01426 8
EAN-13:0 323900 014268
Amazon ASIN: B00GP0FU9A
Country of Registration:United States (drugs)
Brand: Vicks
Model #:323900014268
Weight:132 Pounds
Product Dimension:2.7 X 2.6 X 6.9 inches
Last Scanned:2025-02-28 19:52:07

Shopping Info

Products with UPC 323900014268 were listed on the following websites. Product prices are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.
Disclosure: We may earn a commission when you use one of our links to make a purchase.
Stores Product Info Price Last Updated
Target Vicks NyQuil Cold & Flu Medicine Liquid - 12 fl oz $9.99 2025-02-28 04:28:10
eBay.com Vicks NyQuil, Nighttime Cold & Flu Symptom Relief, 12 Fl, SEE DESCRIPTION $10.99 2025-02-28 19:52:07
Shoplet.com NyQuil Cold & Flu Nighttime Liquid $2.76 2019-10-03 06:01:40
Drugstore Vicks Nyquil Cold & Flu Relief Liquid, Original Flavor, 12 fl oz $7.99 2014-11-05 13:13:18
Jet.com Vicks NyQuil Cold & Flu Original Liquid, 12 Fl Oz $8.44 2019-04-16 09:20:03
Wal-Mart.com Vicks NyQuil Nighttime Cold & Flu Relief Original Flavor 12 fl oz $9.96 2024-01-08 11:13:49
Blain Farm & Fleet Vicks 12 fl oz NyQuil Nighttime Medicine $9.99 2023-04-30 02:23:00
FSAstore.com Vicks NyQuil Original, Liquid, 12 oz $9.99 2015-09-17 09:45:40
Kmart NyQuil Nighttime Original Liquid Cold & Flu Relief 12 FL OZ PLASTIC BOTTLE $10.79 2018-04-15 17:16:11
Sears Nyquil Cold and Flu Relief Liquid, Original Flavor, 12 Ounce $10.79 2017-04-05 04:55:01
eBay US Used Nyquil Original Nighttime Relief Cold And Flu | 12 Oz | Exp. 12/22 $10.95 2020-11-05 05:14:45
HerbsPro Vicks Nyquil Cold Flu Nighttime Relief Liquid Original 12 oz by Vicks $12.04 2022-09-21 17:26:56
Concord Supplies NyQuil Cold & Flu Nighttime Liquid, 12 oz Bottle $13.11 2017-07-15 07:16:03
HerbsPro Vicks Nyquil Cold Flu Nighttime Relief Liquid Original 12 oz by Vicks $13.33 2023-05-11 04:38:54
CVS Vicks NyQuil Cold & Flu Relief Liquid, Original Flavor, 12 Fl oz - 12 oz | CVS $13.79 2024-08-26 22:07:14
Walgreens Vicks Nyquil Cold and Flu Medicine Original Flavor - 8.0 oz $13.99 2023-07-08 04:18:24
Staples Vicks NyQuil Cold & Flu Nighttime Liquid , 12 oz Bottle (PGC01426EA) $16.49 2020-01-24 06:14:02
Newegg.com Vicks NyQuil Cold & Flu Nighttime Liquid 12 oz Bottle 01426EA $18.88 2022-03-29 19:44:25
Quill.com Vicks NyQuil Cold & Flu Nighttime Liquid, 12 oz Bottle (PGC01426EA) | Quill $19.49 2021-11-21 23:48:55
pcRUSH.com NyQuil Cold & Flu Nighttime Liquid, 12 oz Bottle $22.08 2017-05-09 14:04:53
Rakuten(Buy.com) BOTTLE, NYQUIL,12OZ $26.03 2020-02-07 07:54:49
eBay UK Vicks 44 Nyquil Cold And Flu Relief Liquid, Original Flavor, 12 Ounce ₤27.54 2016-07-14 05:05:39
Shop.com Nyquil Cold And Flu Nighttime Liquid 12 Oz Bottle 12/carton - All CAD135.76 2022-03-23 00:07:43
Newegg Business Nyquil Cold & Flu Nighttime Liquid, 12 Oz Bottle, 12/carton $230.34 2018-04-28 10:28:48

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