UPC 033816058286

UPC 033816058286 is associated with 3748204EZ GBC HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film 3 mil 25 x 250 ft. 2/Box

UPC 033816058286

UPC 033816058286 has following Product Name Variations:

  1. GBC Pinnacle 27 EZload Roll Film, NAP II, 3 Mil, 25" x 250' (3748204EZ)
  2. Gbc Pinnacle 27 Film NAP II 3 Mil 25x250 2 Pack - Laminating Film
  3. EZload HeatSeal Roll Laminating Film
  4. GBC Nap-Lam II
  5. GBC Quartet 3748204EZ HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film 3mm 25 x 250 2/
  6. GBC 3748204EZ Lamftatftg Film 25 x500ft 3.0 mil 2/CT Glossy
  7. GBC HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film - 3 mil - 25" x 250' - 2 rolls
  8. 3748204EZ GBC HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film, 3 mil, 25" x 250 ft., 2/Box
  9. GBC Pinnacle 27 EZLoad Roll Film
  10. Heatseal Ezload Laminating Roll Film, 3 Mil, 1" Core, 25" X 250 Ft, 2
  11. Print Finishing Solutions 3748204Ez Gbc Heatseal Laminating Film Roll, 3-Mm,25-I
  12. GBC 3748204EZ HeatSeal EZload NAP II Clear 25" x 250' 3 mil Roll Film (2 rolls)
  13. ACCO 3748204EZ EZload HeatSeal Roll Laminating Film 25"" Width x 250 ft Length
  14. HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film, 3 mil, 1" Core, 25" x 250 ft, 2
  15. 3748204EZ GBC HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film 3 mil 25 x 250 ft. 2/Box
  16. HeatSeal EZload™ Laminating Roll Film
  17. GBC HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film, 3 mil, 1" Core, 25" x 250 ft., 2/Box
  18. GBC® HeatSeal® EZload™ Nap-Lam Il Film
  19. "GBC NAP II Film Rolls, Roll, 2/Carton (3748204EZ)"
  20. GBC NAP II Laminating Film Roll, 3 Mil, 25, 2/Carton (3748204EZ) | Quill
  21. Box of 2
  22. Gbc Heatseal Ezload Laminating Roll Film 3 Mil 1" Core 25" X 250 Ft. 2/box
  23. Pinnacle 27 EZLoad Roll Film, 3 mil, 25" x 250 ft, Gloss Clear, 2/Box 3748204EZ
  24. HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film, 3 mil, 1" Core, 25" x 250 ft., 2
  25. HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film, 3 mil, 25" x 250 ft., 2/Box (GBC3748204EZ)
  26. GBC HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film
  27. Pinnacle 27 Ezload Roll Film 3 Mil 25 X 250 Ft Gloss Clear 2/box - All
  28. 3748204EZ GBC HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film, 3 mil, 25' x 250 ft., 2/Box
  29. 2pk Gbc Pinnacle 27in Ezload Film Rolls 25in X 250ft 3.0mil
  30. Laminating Film 25 Quot X500 3 0 Mil 2 CT Glossy H3C06LL9X-2704
  31. Swingline GBC HeatSeal EZload NAP II Clear 25" x 250' 3 mil Roll Film (2 Rolls)
  32. 3748204EZ HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film 3mm 25 x 250 2/box
  33. GBC� EZLoad Nap II Educational Roll Film, 3 Mil, 25" x 250', Box Of 2
  34. General Binding Corporation Laminating Film, 25"x500', 3.0 mil, 2/CT, Glossy
- more -

More Info

UPC-A:0 33816 05828 6
EAN-13:0 033816 058286
Amazon ASIN: B001AEP4YW
Country of Registration:United States
Brand: GBC
Model #:GBC3748204EZ
Color:Lavender Blush
Weight:8.5 Pounds
Product Dimension:3.6 X 3.6 X 27.1 inches
Last Scanned:2025-03-11 07:55:38

Shopping Info

Products with UPC 033816058286 were listed on the following websites. Product prices are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.
Disclosure: We may earn a commission when you use one of our links to make a purchase.
Stores Product Info Price Last Updated
MassGenie Print Finishing Solutions 3748204Ez Gbc Heatseal Laminating Film Roll, 3-Mm,25-I $109.57 2025-03-11 02:24:46
Wal-Mart.com 3748204EZ GBC HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film 3 mil 25 x 250 ft. 2/Box $120.11 2025-03-02 11:59:38
Quill.com GBC NAP II Laminating Film Roll, 3 Mil, 25, 2/Carton (3748204EZ) | Quill $126.42 2025-02-01 19:57:33
UnbeatableSale.com 3748204EZ HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film 3mm 25 x 250 2/box $224.96 2025-03-11 07:55:38
Day-Timer Gbc Pinnacle 27 Film NAP II 3 Mil 25x250 2 Pack - Laminating Film $86.00 2018-12-20 10:19:50
pcRUSH.com EZload HeatSeal Roll Laminating Film $86.91 2017-07-11 14:01:28
HOWARDstore GBC Nap-Lam II $87.77 2015-08-19 16:18:48
Alibris UK GBC HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film - 3 mil - 25" x 250' - 2 rolls ₤99.88 2014-10-17 12:01:22
Newegg Business 3748204EZ GBC HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film, 3 mil, 25" x 250 ft., 2/Box $99.91 2018-05-16 09:45:02
Bulk Office Supplies GBC Pinnacle 27 EZLoad Roll Film $104.30 2018-11-13 03:55:35
Pricefalls.com Heatseal Ezload Laminating Roll Film, 3 Mil, 1" Core, 25" X 250 Ft, 2 $108.89 2017-01-20 11:41:20
Jet.com GBC 3748204EZ HeatSeal EZload NAP II Clear 25" x 250' 3 mil Roll Film (2 rolls) $111.95 2018-08-21 03:57:47
Mwave ACCO 3748204EZ EZload HeatSeal Roll Laminating Film 25"" Width x 250 ft Length $116.10 2017-07-04 11:10:50
Zuma Office Supply HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film, 3 mil, 1" Core, 25" x 250 ft, 2 $119.97 2016-01-13 09:31:20
Sam's Club GBC HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film - 3 mil - 25" x 250' - 2 rolls $119.98 2023-03-09 16:50:22
Kmart HeatSeal EZload™ Laminating Roll Film $124.04 2018-01-06 18:12:38
US Salon Supply LLC GBC HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film, 3 mil, 1" Core, 25" x 250 ft., 2/Box $124.99 2017-01-21 05:17:24
TigerDirect GBC® HeatSeal® EZload™ Nap-Lam Il Film $125.99 2019-06-11 00:25:25
Staples "GBC NAP II Film Rolls, Roll, 2/Carton (3748204EZ)" $125.99 2020-01-29 01:43:11
ReStockIt.com Box of 2 $127.20 2015-07-27 22:24:18
eBay US Used Gbc Heatseal Ezload Laminating Roll Film 3 Mil 1" Core 25" X 250 Ft. 2/box $129.99 2020-10-25 05:56:54
Rakuten(Buy.com) Pinnacle 27 EZLoad Roll Film, 3 mil, 25" x 250 ft, Gloss Clear, 2/Box 3748204EZ $140.92 2020-08-24 08:35:36
Concord Supplies HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film, 3 mil, 1" Core, 25" x 250 ft., 2 $145.12 2017-07-15 07:15:43
eBay.com HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film, 3 mil, 25" x 250 ft., 2/Box (GBC3748204EZ) $153.25 2021-10-13 09:23:01
Shoplet.com GBC HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film $158.75 2018-09-06 05:36:18
Newegg Canada 3748204EZ GBC HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film, 3 mil, 25" x 250 ft., 2/Box CAD175.63 2019-06-10 23:49:06
Shop.com Pinnacle 27 Ezload Roll Film 3 Mil 25 X 250 Ft Gloss Clear 2/box - All $180.46 2022-03-22 23:45:45
Newegg.com 3748204EZ GBC HeatSeal EZload Laminating Roll Film, 3 mil, 25' x 250 ft., 2/Box $184.99 2023-03-10 16:36:38
Sears HeatSeal EZload™ Laminating Roll Film $186.44 2018-02-03 04:42:49
Hook Bag Laminating Film 25 Quot X500 3 0 Mil 2 CT Glossy H3C06LL9X-2704 CAD208.29 2016-11-02 09:42:05
DigitalBuyer.com Swingline GBC HeatSeal EZload NAP II Clear 25" x 250' 3 mil Roll Film (2 Rolls) $213.00 2023-02-13 01:57:22
Office Depot GBC� EZLoad Nap II Educational Roll Film, 3 Mil, 25" x 250', Box Of 2 $242.49 2020-11-22 08:51:09
DollarDays General Binding Corporation Laminating Film, 25"x500', 3.0 mil, 2/CT, Glossy $244.22 2015-07-03 18:14:39

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