UPC 787551000047
UPC 787551000047 is associated with 37CM Laparoscopic Curved Blade - Blue PTFE; Black Ext Insulation; PL; 20158ADL O
![UPC 787551000047](/static/img/resize.jpg)
![EAN-13 Barcode of UPC 787551000047 | upcitemdb.com](/barcode/ean13/0787551000047.png)
UPC 787551000047 has following Product Name Variations:
- 37CM Laparoscopic Curved Blade - Blue PTFE; Black Ext Insulation; PL; 20158ADL O
More Info
UPC-A: | 7 87551 00004 7 |
EAN-13: | 0 787551 000047 |
Country of Registration: | United States |
Brand: | 37CM Laparoscopic Curved Blade - Blue PTFE; Black Ext Insulation; PL; |
Last Scanned: | 2017-04-20 17:00:00 |
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- Description Edit it if you can enhance the content.
- 37CM Laparoscopic Curved Blade - Blue PTFE; Black Ext Insulation; PL; 20158ADL O