UPC 882658181443

UPC 882658181443 is associated with Cisco FlexStack Stacking Cable - 3m

UPC 882658181443

UPC 882658181443 has following Product Name Variations:

  1. Cisco CAB-STK-E-3M FlexStack Stacking Cable for Catalyst 2960 Series New Sealed
  2. Cisco 37-0891-01 3Mt. Bladeswitch CAB-STK-E-3M for C2960S and C2960X STACK
  3. Cisco CAB-STK-E-3M= Bladeswitch 3M Stack Cable
  4. Cisco Bladeswitch Cable For Dell - Stacking Cable - 10 ft (BG0681) Category: Pat
  5. Cisco CAB-STK-E-3M= 3m Black networking cable
  6. Cisco Kabel Cab-stk-e-3m - Adapter/cable
  7. StackWise Plus Stacking Cable 10 ft for Catalyst 2960, 2960G, 2960S, Blade Switc
  8. Cisco Systems, Inc. Model CAB-STK-E-3M= Network Ethernet Cables
  9. Cisco Cab-stk-e-3m= Bladeswitch Stack Cable 10ft
  10. Cisco Bladeswitch 3m Stack Cable - 10 Ft Length - Use To Connect The Stackwise
  11. Cisco CAB-STK-E-3M= StackWise Plus - Stacking cable - 10 ft - for Catalyst 2960
  12. Cisco Systems Cab-Stk-E-3M= Bladeswitch 3M Stack Cable
  13. Cisco StackWise Plus Cable
  14. Cisco StackWise Plus Stacking Cable For Cisco Blade Series Switch, 9.84'
  15. Cisco StackWise Plus
  16. Cisco Model CAB-STK-E-3M= 9.84 ft. (3m) FlexStack Stacking Cable
  18. Cisco StackWise Plus Cable - 9.84ft
  19. Cisco FlexStack Stacking Cable - 3m
  20. CAB-STK-E-3M= Bladeswitch 3M Stack Cable
  21. Cisco StackWise Plus - Stacking cable - 10 ft - for Catalyst 2960 2960
- more -

More Info

UPC-A:8 82658 18144 3
EAN-13:0 882658 181443
Amazon ASIN: B0046ST3OQ
Country of Registration:United States
Brand: Cisco
Model #:0088265818144
Weight:1.6 Pounds
Product Dimension:9.7 X 7.6 X 2.5 inches
Last Scanned:2025-03-02 03:15:13

Shopping Info

Products with UPC 882658181443 were listed on the following websites. Product prices are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.
Disclosure: We may earn a commission when you use one of our links to make a purchase.
Stores Product Info Price Last Updated
eBay.com Cisco CAB-STK-E-3M FlexStack Stacking Cable for Catalyst 2960 Series New Sealed $59.99 2025-01-05 20:36:12
eBay US Used Cisco 37-0891-01 3Mt. Bladeswitch CAB-STK-E-3M for C2960S and C2960X STACK $69.99 2025-01-05 20:36:12
MassGenie Cisco Systems Cab-Stk-E-3M= Bladeswitch 3M Stack Cable $234.23 2025-03-02 03:15:13
Walmart Marketplace Cisco CAB-STK-E-3M= Bladeswitch 3M Stack Cable $150.00 2018-09-12 15:02:15
OnBuy.com Cisco CAB-STK-E-3M= 3m Black networking cable ₤156.01 2019-10-18 22:55:38
eBay UK Used Cisco Kabel Cab-stk-e-3m - Adapter/cable ₤162.19 2020-11-14 05:57:03
pcRUSH.com StackWise Plus Stacking Cable 10 ft for Catalyst 2960, 2960G, 2960S, Blade Switc $199.31 2015-08-16 08:39:25
Newegg Business Cisco Systems, Inc. Model CAB-STK-E-3M= Network Ethernet Cables $204.93 2018-05-16 09:59:21
Mwave Cisco Cab-stk-e-3m= Bladeswitch Stack Cable 10ft $205.71 2017-07-04 11:09:46
eBay UK Cisco Bladeswitch 3m Stack Cable - 10 Ft Length - Use To Connect The Stackwise ₤217.04 2018-10-17 05:14:23
MacMall Cisco CAB-STK-E-3M= StackWise Plus - Stacking cable - 10 ft - for Catalyst 2960 $220.32 2020-04-23 09:08:56
Shoplet.com Cisco StackWise Plus Cable $237.88 2017-11-11 16:05:37
Staples Cisco StackWise Plus Stacking Cable For Cisco Blade Series Switch, 9.84' $237.89 2020-01-24 06:10:53
HOWARDstore Cisco StackWise Plus $240.99 2015-08-16 14:06:34
Newegg.com Cisco Model CAB-STK-E-3M= 9.84 ft. (3m) FlexStack Stacking Cable $243.25 2021-07-03 19:00:13
Hook Bag CISCO BLADESWITCH 3M STACK H3C0CPR2W-2709 CAD244.48 2015-03-28 10:10:21
Rakuten(Buy.com) Cisco StackWise Plus Cable - 9.84ft $280.37 2020-08-07 08:01:46
PCM Cisco CAB-STK-E-3M= StackWise Plus - Stacking cable - 10 ft - for Catalyst 2960 $292.99 2020-03-17 03:14:50
Office Depot Cisco StackWise Plus Cable - 9.84ft $315.99 2022-12-15 20:11:25
Wal-Mart.com Cisco FlexStack Stacking Cable - 3m $326.61 2022-09-26 14:12:06
UnbeatableSale.com CAB-STK-E-3M= Bladeswitch 3M Stack Cable $329.61 2022-08-17 13:40:34
TigerDirect Cisco StackWise Plus - Stacking cable - 10 ft - for Catalyst 2960 2960 $349.99 2022-12-08 01:22:32
Newegg Canada Cisco Systems, Inc. Model CAB-STK-E-3M= Network Ethernet Cables CAD563.25 2019-06-11 00:05:34

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