ISBN 9783540000129

ISBN 9783540000129 is associated with Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Dependable Computing Edcc-4: 4th European Dep

ISBN 9783540000129

ISBN 9783540000129 has following Product Name Variations:

  1. Dependable Computing Edcc-4: 4th European Dependable Computing Conference Toulou
  2. Dependable Computing EDCC-4: 4th European Dependable Computing Conference Toulou
  3. Dependable Computing EDCC-4 - 1st Edition (eBook Rental)
  4. Dependable Computing EDCC-4
  5. Dependable Computing - Edcc-4
  6. Dependable Computing - Edcc-4: 4th European Dependable Computing Conference
  7. Dependable Computing EDCC-4 4th European Dependable Computing Conference Toulous
  8. Dependable Computing - Edcc-4: 4th European Dependable Computing Conference Toul
  9. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Dependable Computing Edcc-4: 4th European Dep
  10. Dependable Computing Edcc-4: 4th European Dependable Computing Conference Tou...
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ISBN Identifier Group:3 (German), Type: Language
ISBN Check Digit:9
EAN-13:9 783540 000129
Amazon ASIN: 3540000127
Last Scanned:2025-01-31 22:33:46

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VitalSource Dependable Computing EDCC-4 - 1st Edition (eBook Rental) $16.50 2025-01-31 22:33:46
SpringerLink Shop INT Dependable Computing EDCC-4 EUR54.99 2025-01-31 14:25:45 Dependable Computing Edcc-4: 4th European Dependable Computing Conference Toulou $4.51 2020-11-05 23:41:27
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Springer Shop US Dependable Computing EDCC-4 $99.00 2021-10-14 03:24:53 Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Dependable Computing Edcc-4: 4th European Dep $99.00 2021-03-28 23:34:37 Dependable Computing Edcc-4: 4th European Dependable Computing Conference Tou... $114.04 2018-01-26 05:10:41
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